The Name-Giving Project
Alegria Decklerck’s Portrait | Photograph by Hall’Makwanda | 2021
Padrin@ Dame Un Nombre
or The Name-Giving Project is an interactive art project which aims to raise ecological awareness about the destruction of the environment in Murcia and the felling of fruit trees.
Through the project, people will have the opportunity to adopt a tree, which they give a name, and with which they can create a fictional 'family'. The object is to create personal links between trees and people. Adopters (Padrin@s) will receive a one-year renewable adoption certificate with information and beautiful photos of their adopted tree. Their names, together with the name they give to their tree, will be part of the artwork
El Mural Enraizado
which is based on the modern calligraphy style called the ‘Linking Line'.
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